In addition to financial support through the Foundation, Maine Media Workshops has generously provided complimentary admission to a one- week workshop for the professional and emerging grant recipients.
The 2010 Lucie Foundation Scholarship Professional Grant goes to Jennifer Wilkey for a visually poetic documentation of her brother who is developmentally disabled. She says..."By tracking James through his everyday processes, I allow his behavior to determine the imagery I create. There are periods of intense focus, observation, and organization when he is by himself, working in his shed or playing with his toy animals. With a skill for remembering, James understands and discerns much of what passes unnoticed. With a desire to make decisions on his own, James struggles between being an adult and a child, and with our mother in the process. Their continual contact is part of what defines his state of existence. While James is able to do many things on his own, like dress himself and ride a bike, our mother is still responsible for tying his shoes and shaving his face. Instances of affection, as well as frustration come to the surface. He is a person full of tenderness, intensity, force and determination".
Jennifer has been granted a cash award of $5,000.00 to finalize the project and prepare it for exhibiton in Syracuse, New York. Congratulations Jennifer! To view Jennifer's project, please click here.
The 2010 Lucie Foundation Scholarship Emerging Grant goes to Julie Glassberg for her photographic project entitled Bike Kill. Ms. Glassberg says..." I am often attracted by what repulses or scares the others. I like misfits, outcasts, eccentrics, those who don’t fit in the norms. Although I look quite normal and common, I identify in a way with those who do not fit in society and I would like to help give them a voice. I'm attracted by the abnormal, nonetheless I try not to fall in a stereotypical way to represent them. I want to be as true as possible to what they are. For that reason, I have been documenting a number of subcultures". I keep having this thought that creative, artistic minds used to gather regularly, share their art and ideas, inspire each other, feed each other; yet today, the youth seems uninspired and disengaged. When I find subcultures like the Black Label Bike Club, a creative group, using very little technology, interested in defending causes and resisting the main stream, it gives me hope, and I think it could be very encouraging for today’s youth".
Julie has been granted a cash award of $2,500.00 to complete this project. To view Julie's project, please click here.
In addition to the above grant recipients, The Lucie Foundation has decided to acknowledge one applicant whose work was exceptional. His application is a runner-up to the grants and as a result, the Foundation will mentor him and present opportunities to exhibit his work through our programs and gallery partners. His name is Alexander Gronsky of Romania, and his projected is entitled Pastoral. Wastelands of Moscow City. He writes the following about his beautiful project..."Pastoral is an idea of a perfect world, where people integrate with nature as it's necessary part. But the gap is always present. The gap that makes us useless tourists as soon as we leave urban habitat. I wanted to explore human relation with nature, not in general, but on a very basic, "ground" level. To do that I needed a place that doesn't belong neither to Nature, nor to Human. The edge of a town, border between human habitat and chaos, areas that lack definition. Wastelands of Moscow city". To view his work, please click here.
The Lucie Foundation Scholarship Program will begin accepting submissions on September 15 through January 31st. To apply, you have to be a current Lucie Foundation member. Learn more about membership here.
We at the Lucie Foundation understand how valuable mentoring is for emerging photographers, regardless of age which is why we established E-pprentice, our electronic apprenticeship. Through a free, online submission process, we determined seven emerging photographers who would benefit from having regular access to a seasoned and successful photographer wherein their work, work ethic, subject matter, or approach shared similar qualities.
By utilizing video chat and instant messaging platforms, the obstacle of distance and space is removed and mentors and mentees work together for a period of six months following a general curriculum.
This year's mentors are Ed Kashi, Andy Batt, Matt Hoyle, Patricia Heal, Tim Griffith, Ted Sabarese, Andrew Southam, Jamie Stillings and Matt Tauber and are mentoring up and coming photographers Selina Roman, Jennifer Richter, Massimo Cristaldi, Stan Raucher, Lucie Goodayle, Luke Wooden, James Knight Smith and Bremen Donovan.
To learn more about the 2010 Class of E-pprentice Mentors and Mentees, please click here.

The second installment of The Month of Photography Los Angeles (MOPLA) brought to you by the Lucie Foundation is gearing up to offer Los Angeles some incredible visuals all throughout our great city. April 1850 marks the year that Los Angeles' was incorporated as a city so we'll celebrate by showcasing 160 photographers through a variety of programs, platforms and events. From high school students to collectors, enthusiasts to professionals, MOPLA hopes to inspire and engage the entire photography community of Los Angeles. Stay tuned for details on the Official Opening Night taking place on Saturday, April 3, 2010.
For more details, please click here.

The Lucie Foundation is excited to present Fresh Fairs, a juried photography fair that features contemporary photographers, discussions, lectures and juried portfolio reviews. There are still some spaces available for exhibitors and for portfolio reviews. Submissions are open until March 26th with a notification on March 31st, 2010.
Exhibitors and the full schedule for Fresh Dialogues will be announced on March 31st, 2010 and promoted throughout The Month of Phototography Los Angeles. Network, learn and reach a new collecting audience by participating as an exhibitor.
To learn more about Fresh Fairs, click here. To see a partial list of reviewers, click here.
